
Dr. Peter M. Wehmeier
Peter M. Wehmeier, M.D., is a physician and a psychotherapist, and has been concerned with mental exhaustion, burn-out and depression for many years. He studied at the University of Marburg (Germany) and at Duke University (Durham, NC, USA). He has lived in Switzerland, India and the United States for extended periods of time. He received a postgraduate degree from the European Center for Pharmaceutical Medicine at the University of Basel (Switzerland). For 9 years he worked in Clinical Research and Development Department at an American pharmaceutical company, where  he was involved in developing and successfully introducing a self-management program for executives. Today he is Vice Medical Director of a hospital for psychiatry and psychotherapy near Frankfurt (Germany) and teaches at the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He lives in Frankfurt.

Opinions on the new Book

“Dieses Selbstmanagementprogramm zeigt, wie man den Blick für die Realität bewahrt, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen als Kontext für das gesamte Danken, Fühlen und Handeln versteht, verschiedene Handlungsmöglichkeiten für sich entdeckt, aus dieser Vielfalt wählt und schließlich das Machbare umsetzt.”
Literatur Report
“Über 100 konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen begleiten auf dem Weg zu einem Leben ohne Burnout.”
“Sie können toll schreiben!”
Volker Kleine-Tebbe

The new book

"Erfolg ist, wenn es mir gut geht! Burnout vermeiden durch Selbstmanagement"
We live in a world oriented toward success. Today, being successful is considered one of the main goals in life – indeed, to some extent the measure of all things. Everything seems to be becoming higher, faster, further. Limits to time and space are dissolving: Anything goes! Being left behind in such a world may mean missing out on many things, including success. And yet many people feel exhausted and see themselves as the “losers” of such processes. The increasing number of opportunities and junctures in the road also means a greater number of decisions that have to be made in life. This, in turn, puts pressure on us to always make the “right” decision, creating additional stress. The result: paralysis from indecision or fear of failure.
  • Why self-management?
  • What is success?
  • The negative side of fear
  • Improving communication
  • Pursuing your goals
  • Refraining from action
  • What am I capable of and what do I want?
  • How great is our free will?
  • Avoiding mistakes
  • The right decision?
  • What is ultimately most important?

Everyone must decide for themselves what they consider success to be, based on their own values and needs. Whatever that may be, in any case being successful always means thriving in life. Self-management can – and should – contribute to reaching that goal.